Tuesday, April 17, 2012

my first blog - my first post.

Why start this blog?  About a year ago, a friend of mine introduced me to PINTEREST.  If you haven't checked it out  - go to www.pinterest.com and check it out - NOW!!!  (I think you actually need an invite technically, so feel free to email me if you need to).  Be warned though, it's completely addicting.  It's a virtual pinboard where you can create different boards for different ideas - example, 'recipes' or 'books to read.'  But my favorite thing to pin is parties.  After hearing about 'pinterest parties' through a local blogging Mom, I thought - I have to do that!  I have yet to have an official 'pinterest party' but that hopefully will happen in the near future. After spending a few hours (yes, hours) one evening pinning things for my son's 2nd birthday, I had to pace myself.  See, Easter was around the corner and we were hosting Easter brunch.  So once again, I turned to various websites and pinterest, this time focused on my Easter brunch.  I decided to create this blog to show how things turned out based upon my inspiration board.  I am NOT a fancy party planner, nor am I a fantastic chef.  I'm just a Mom who loves to get her creative juices flowing for various holidays and parties, while staying within a budget - this often means doing as much as you can by yourself.  I did this with my son's first birthday which I will also post pictures of.  Hopefully something here will inspire you to take a leap of faith and join me in trying something new.  I hope to show how with a little help from pinterest and fellow DIY bloggers, you too can turn a simple holiday or party into something spectacular!

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